Hi, I'm Steven

I’m a first year missionary from Charlotte, NC.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

Before I heard about Christ in the City, I just returned from a pilgrimage through Europe to World Youth Day in Lisbon. During that journey, God touched my heart by speaking to me at various points about the direction of my vocation. In looking for my next steps to go where God wanted me, I was talking with some mentors, and they suggested looking into some mission work. I told them I would take it to prayer, and on my way home, a friend called me to have lunch. I told him about looking into mission work, and he just looked at me and said, “You have to check out Christ in the City.” He explained the mission, and I was interested, so I looked into it more. What really struck a chord with me was the goal of curing the disease of loneliness in the lives of others. I’ve always wanted to be that for those close to me, and CiC looks like a beautiful way to foster that.

What are you looking forward to?

I really desire to grow in my love for God and others, especially those who can often be seen as an inconvenience or a burden. I want to see Christ in everyone and love with a love like God. I want to show people the mercy of God and the inherent goodness and value that God created us all with. During my visit to CiC I saw that the community is an essential part of this. Living together in the same house with around 30 other missionaries is going to be a great blessing and, at other times, a great challenge. Though I can see it’s in community life that our love will be forged through God’s graces, then, with the greater love that comes from that, we will be able to minister to our friends on the street.

A bit about me

I’m an only child who was born, raised, and who still abides in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’m big on music and I especially love Bob Dylan. I also play guitar, harmonica, and some piano. I write songs and poems, I really like to read as well. My favorite writer is definitely Dostoevsky. I have an affinity for the peaceful beauty of the outdoors, so I try to bask in that whenever I can. Most importantly though, I’m a recent convert to Catholicism! I came into full communion with Christ’s church on Easter of 2023 and my sole purpose in life now is to do God’s will and become a great saint!