Hi, I'm Savannah

I’m a first year missionary from Monroe City, MO.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

I came on a Spring Break mission trip with my college in 2022! I loved it so much that I also came for Spring Break 2023. My next step was to figure out what to do after graduation. I thought I might be called to give up a year to serve a mission and Christ in the City has a very special place in my heart, so it almost seemed like an obvious next step! There are so many things I love about CIC. Embracing poverty, learning to love others and receive love better, community, formation and everything else this unique ministry has to offer.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m really looking forward to being pushed out of my comfort zone. As scary as it always seems to take a leap of faith, I’ve never remained complacent after letting the Lord stretch me. I’m looking forward to forming relationships on the streets and with those I will live in community with.

A bit about me

I am from a tiny town called Monroe City, Missouri. I’m a recent college graduate with a Marketing and Advertising degree. I have a passion specifically for marketing for the Church! I love photography and videography and my favorite things to capture are moments in Eucharistic Adoration and candid moments of authentic joy! In my free time, you might see me doing anything nature related, relaxing with friends, or reading a book with a cup of coffee in hand.