Hi, I'm Miriam

I’m a 2nd year missionary from Louisiana.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

A deep desire I have to encounter Christ and to bring Christ to others. I heard about CIC through two of my older brothers who did missions with them. I fell in love with Christ in the City’s ministry when I got to visit during February of 2022.

How has Christ in the City helped you grow?

Throughout this past year at CIC, I have seen a lot of growth in my capacity to love and be loved. In so many ways I have been shown my immense poverty and the ways that I love so poorly. This year has challenged me in these areas and has asked me to allow myself to be stretched in ways I didn’t expect. I have been asked to allow myself to be seen and loved in my lowest points by those in community and on the streets. I have been asked to see and love others in their lowest points. I have been asked to give all that I am even when there’s nothing left. I have been asked to ride the roller coaster of life with others without a second glance. I have been asked to pour out myself and to be poured into in so many different ways. I have been asked to see and become compassionate with the immense poverty of others but especially myself. I have been asked to allow others to love me in all the areas I don’t believe deserved to be loved. To love and to be loved is not something I can learn in a year so I am excited to see in what other ways the Lord will call me to this throughout this next year at CIC and in the years to come. .

A little bit about me

I grew up and have lived my whole life in South Louisiana. I am the sixth child out of seven in my family. I have three older brothers, two older sisters, and one younger brother. I’m the proud aunt of 6 nieces and 5 nephews. A few of my hobbies include reading, playing sports, sleeping, eating, hiking, kayaking/canoeing, traveling, singing/anything with music, and pretty much anything outdoors. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and having one on one time with them. I am usually a very laid back person but when it comes to competition or anything I’m passionate about, I become pretty fired up. I’d describe myself as fun, adventurous, compassionate, child-like, and joyful. I’m very excited to serve this next year in Denver, CO with CIC!