Hi, I'm Lydia

I’m a 2nd year missionary from Oceanside, CA.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

I was first drawn to serve at Christ in the City the summer after my sophomore year of college. The simple life of prayer and community coupled with the radical life of walking the streets and befriending the forgotten of society attracted me. That summer my life was transformed and I fell in love with the missionary life. Less than a month into the summer I knew I wanted to come back and serve for a full year. So, despite toying with the idea of dropping out of school, I continued my studies and instead returned to serve the summer after my junior year. Entering my senior year, it became clear that my desire to serve as a full-time missionary was still very present and the Lord opened the doors to make it possible!

How has Christ in the City helped you grow?

Christ in the City has taught me more of what it means to be a beloved daughter. I have come face to face with my own poverty in many ways and I have learned that in the midst of it all, I am still loved by the Father. Regardless of my imperfection or the ways I fall short of the ideal, He still loves me, delights in me, and desires to take care of me as a Father.

A bit about me

I just graduated from Benedictine College with degrees in psychology and theology and I am passionate about integrating the two subjects. I love sunrises, black coffee, morning holy hours, long jogs, impromptu dance parties, and deep conversations.