Hi, I'm Anderson

I’m a first year missionary from Orlando, FL.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

Spending a week at CIC and experiencing a distinctive approach to serving the homeless was an ideal chance to embody my favorite prayer: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love…”

What are you looking forward to?

At CIC, I hope to grow in trust for God and His plan for me. I am continually inspired by Saint John Paul II’s words, “Man cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself,” and I believe CIC offers the perfect opportunity to embody this quote.

A bit about me

Hey, I’m Anderson! My story begins in Colombia, where I spent the first ten years of my life. When I was ten, my family and I moved to Orlando, a city that has since become my home. Living in Orlando has shaped much of who I am today, from my professional career to my personal hobbies and faith journey.