Matthew Flaherty

Missionary class of 2020

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We recently caught up with Christ in the City alumnus Matthew Flaherty, who’s now living a life deeply rooted in fertile soil.

Building a Family and a Homestead:

Matthew recently tied the knot with his wife, Jessica, on October 2nd, 2021. Together, they’re raising two adorable sons: Lawrence Michael (2) and Sebastian (3 months). They’ve built a beautiful life in Florida, where they’ve embarked on a unique adventure – Homesteading! Their land is home to pigs, goats, and chickens.

The Impact of Christ in the City:

Matthew credits his time at Christ in the City with shaping his approach to fatherhood. The emphasis on reverence particularly resonated with him. “My formation at Christ in the City in the virtue of reverence has had a big impact on how I receive my children,” Matthew shared. “Each day they reveal more of themselves and I discover more of who they are.”

Living with Intention:

Matthew and Jessica’s decision to homestead stemmed from a desire to simplify their lives. “Our desire to homestead came from a desire to have the nonessential and distracting elements of bourgeois society stripped away so we could focus on the essentials- Jesus, family, community, and food. Homesteading has made me poor spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially so I really recommend it as a path to heaven.” 

Congratulations, Matthew!

We are so inspired by your commitment to reverence and simple living. Your story is a wonderful example, and we’re honored to be a part of it and to see how you continue to take the formation you’ve received and use it to nurture your family and inspire others.


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