Colette Geraghty

Missionary, 20-21

colette geraghty

We are excited to feature Colette Geraghty, a former missionary from our 2020-2021 class. She is now living back in her hometown working at her Alma Mater, Villa Walsh Academy as the campus minister and teacher. She is also working as the youth minister and confirmation program coordinator at her hometown parish! 

Colette’s Radical yes

“The formation I received at Christ in the City is bearing fruit in my vocation now. It was at Christ in the City where I discovered that being a missionary is not subjected to one or two years of my life. Being a missionary is a lifelong vocation. Everything I learned at Christ in the City has shaped me to be a missionary for life.  It was first as a missionary where I heard about the virtue of Availability and one thing I learned during my missionary year was how to be interrupted, and I have brought this with me to my job, my ministry, and my relationships.” Colette is wearing many hats back in her hometown and her availability is a gift to everyone she encounters she says “As a campus minister and youth minister I am constantly being pulled in different directions and I often look to Jesus’ ministry in the gospels and the many people who were always seeking his time and attention. I approach each day by always remembering that being a missionary is a constant radical yes to God’s will in each day and can mean interruptions. I want to bring others to Jesus, what that takes is being available and present to the people, students, faculty members that He puts in my path.” 

Embracing interruption with joy

Colette has embraced interruption in her daily life she says “It’s the days when a coworker is sick and I need to give up my free period to cover their class. The times when I want to have a weekend to myself, but the Lord has invited me to help lead a high school retreat. The times when I want to just be alone after a long day at school, but my parents ask me to sit down to share a meal with them. It’s those moments where I am reminded to allow myself to be interrupted, to be open to where the Holy Spirit is leading me, to say yes to what God is putting in front of me. To say yes to His will, not my own.”

A heart of hospitality

Colette is no stranger to welcoming others with a joyful heart she shared “Since being back home in New Jersey, I have found a love for always having an open door at my house. Inviting people over for prayer, game nights, to share a meal together. Another favorite thing of mine is when a friend or missionary is traveling through my area and comes to stay with me. I love cultivating an environment that makes people feel at home and welcomed.”

Thank you, Colette 

It is truly inspiring to hear how Colette is serving her community that she grew up in, a community that once served her and planted many seeds. Now she is that young adult loving, inspiring and planting seeds for many in her hometown. We love you and we are so proud of you Colette!

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