Hi, I'm Lexie

What brought you to Christ in the City?

During my sophomore year of college spring break (March of 2023), I attended a
mission trip to Christ in the City in Denver. That week transformed my heart and the way I
loved others. I left the week knowing my time with Christ in the City wasn’t over. It stayed on
my heart, so I did a summer of service in Philadelphia the following summer (2024). During
those two months, I fell more deeply in love with Christ in the City’s mission and left
knowing I would be back yet once again. God’s faithfulness is so good!

What are you looking forward to?

Over the past year, I’ve become convinced that everything that happens is just an
excuse for the Father to love me through. I know that Christ in the City will be no different.
Not only am I looking forward to witnessing the Father’s love through the people I meet on
the streets and in my community, but through the smaller moments throughout the day as
well. I am excited to grow closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as more of my own poverty is

A little bit about me…

I grew up in Philadelphia, PA for 12 years before my family moved to Savannah, GA.
I have a sister who is 18 months older than me that I am very close to. I spent the last four
wonderful years at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!) studying elementary education. I
am very passionate about teaching and can’t wait to do what I love for the rest of my life! I
love to read, line dance, drive with the windows down, check things off my bucket list,
stargaze, and spend time with friends. Ever since I moved to Georgia 10 years ago, I’ve
known I would be back in Pennsylvania one day!

Where is your hometown?

Savannah, Georgia