Hi, I'm Luke

My name’s Luke and I’m a 2nd year Christ in the City missionary from Plano, TX.

What brought you to Christ in the City?

I believe Christ closed a door and opened a window, I had my life planned out in a straight line. However, the Lord had different plans for me. He wanted me to make a few stops on the way. I believe Christ in the City is one of those stops. I am reminded of God’s plan in Mt 7: 14, “How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” The world will tell us to take the easy way, but that’s not where we belong. We belong to Christ and we should embrace the cross.

What are you looking forward to?

I look forward to living in community with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

A bit about me

I am from the Lone Star State. I am the youngest of four. I love the heat. I enjoy playing and watching soccer. I was also in seminary for a year and a half.